Andrea Woodard

Andrea Woodard

Andrea Woodard

United States of America
Andrea Woodard is a Remote Work Activist, Brazilian-born, American-naturalized - currently living in sunny Florida, with +10 years experience working with established corporations and nonprofits. She specialized in business operations, people's development, team building, leadership and management

Andrea is ICAgile certified (Business Agility, Agile Leadership), Agile People Coach and a member of Management 3.0 community. 

She is interested in all things related to remote collaboration, agility, happiness, motivation, and writing skills. She has a passion to explore and experiment different ways to work effectively remotely and also deeply connecting with people virtually. 

Andrea currently seats as Board Member of Couchers Inc, a US Non-profit that promotes genuine real-world connections and community, where she advises about business operations. 

Fluent in English and Portuguese, she facilitates workshops in both languages. 

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